Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First hours in Yerushalayim

Sunday 2 PM left for JFK. Argh lots of traffic but really what's the rush?
Feels like we should be in Israel already when we arrive at JFK 4PM ish.
6 PM we fly out on SwissAir with along with a "birthright israel" contingent. Sarah is so glad she isn't one of them.
Monday 8 AM Zurich time we arrive at the most beautiful and fabulous Zurich airport. The kids play area is enough to make it a destination in itself. Ikea deluxe.
2 PM Israel time arrive in Ben Gurion and begin the long wait to get our passports stamped. Startling transition from Swiss efficiency to Middleastern whatever. Now the kids start acting totally crazy wired, tired and literally slaphappy, bashing each other, giggling, bumping into eachother, us and everyone around. Then Sam gets a big old nosebleed on his Obama t-shirt (and Elliott's shirt and pants). He actually seems proud of himself. The kids insist on handing their own passports to the immigration official.
Now the long sherut nesher ride to and around Jerusalem. We are the last stop. Crazy drive through the O.C. entering at at Jaffa gate and meandering to Jewish Quarter parking lot. The streets were not meant for an airport shuttle. We arrive at 5 PM and celebrate with the traditional Elite ice cream.
Our Zimmer with Ilan and Olga is pretty hilarious. About as messy as our house. Bird feathers on my bed.
Olga tells me, "The bathroom door, it doesn't really close, but pull it shut and turn on the light. The sound and the light will let everyone know it is occupied."
The loft of her sewing room is the kids sleeping place. Totally dangerous. The kids totally love it.
We grow up to the roof and the view is as the Craig's List ad said, "breathtaking." The Dome of the Rock is served up like a gilded scoop of ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. We are glad that you all got there safely. I (Jonathan) will have to remember the nose-bleed trick when dealing with the passport people. How bout drizzlin' some hot fudge on the Dome of the Rock?
    Love, Jonathan and Ann (reporting from the land of the exotic midwest)
