Monday, July 13, 2009

Beer and Fish

I think I already mentioned that you can drink where ever you like in Israel. Being able to bring your own beer to the beach is pretty swank. Sarah took this photo and I think it could be the Israeli version of the Carona add campaign.

We decided it was time for a divide an conquer day. Sarah took Akiva to the shuk where she bought some great fish but had to haggle with the fish monger about cleaning it. Sam and I took the skate board to the beautiful board walk at the renovated port. I pushed him down these great sloping bubbles that are built into the board walk. Truly the coolest and most fun boardwalk I have ever seen. They have a really amazing Friday night service in this thoroughly secular public environment led by "secular" Israelis. We spent Shabbat there and it was truly wonderful. Afterwards we had a picnic Shabbat dinner by this large sand box which is also part of the boardwalk.

Sam and I also watched rowers getting ready for the Maccabiah games crew competition on the Hayarkon River.

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